Yoga coming to Maplewood throughout the summer


A national yoga movement is coming to Sutton Park in Maplewood this summer.
Yoga Rocks the Park was born as one small event in Denver, and is now a yoga and music celebration in more than 20 cities across the U.S.

10367579_323689971114666_6622907420958724925_nEach locally managed and supported weekly event features an outdoor all-levels 75-minute yoga class (beginners welcome) featuring local and national yoga teachers accompanied by live music or a DJ provided by local artists.

The events at Sutton Park are Saturdays from June 28 – August 9. Registration starts at 4:30 p.m. and the yoga runs from 5 – 6:15.

Yoga Rocks the Park St. Louis donates 10 percent of net-profits from tickets sales to the Give Back Yoga Foundation and Girls on the Run St. Louis.

See the Yoga Rocks the Park Facebook Page, or the website for more details.

Sutton Park is currently undergoing renovations. The city expects the work to be finished on time.



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