The Heights renovation: just the basics


Richmond Heights City Council members and staff met Tuesday at city hall to talk about the current state of the plans to renovate The Heights and how to finance the work.

The city originally planned a $9 million renovation, which included a lobby upgrade and an addition to the north for more workout equipment — see those plans here. At the meeting City Manager Amy Hamilton said now the city can afford $5 million for the project

Borrowing $5 million will cost the city $350,000 a year for the length of the loan. Hamilton said Richmond Heights has a very positive financial outlook, resulting in a AA+ rating.

With $5 million the council decided to focus on the necessities: a new roof, new pool, and renovations of some interior space such as locker rooms. Parks and Recreation Director Teresa Proebsting said annual expenses for pool repairs are very high.

It hasn’t been determined if the city can afford an addition to the workout area. Funds could also be available for library renovation.

The pool will have a new layout in its existing area. It will include four lap lanes (to be wider than now — regulation width), an open pool area three to six feet deep, a lazy river and a splash pool for tots.

Construction is set to begin in early 2019. The pool project will take about six months to complete, and will be closed the entire time.


DESIGN UPDATE 2018-04-11


  1. This is awful. Traffic on Dale is already terrible and next you know we’ll be St. Charles. How can we put a stop to this blemish on our community?

    • This facility already exists and provides a Library, Fitness facility, indoor pool and gymnasium to the community. I would call none of those items blemishes to any community. If you want to complain go hang out on the STLToday comments section.

        • You got that right – with easy access to the MeroLink station for a fast getaway. The criminals know you are in the health club for a period of time so easy pickings. Will need cameras and security patrols…

        • Uhh, the place is already there and they are only talking about upgrades and enlarging the place. The bad guys going to wait until that happens before they come around? If bad stuff was going to happen why is it not happening now? Or is is and no one talks about it?
          Not sure your thought makes sense to me.

  2. the pool design will be a big improvement! I swim at the Mid-County YMCA because it allows enough area for those who do aqua jogging and water aerobics to work out. The Y also keeps the pool at a comfortable temperature. The Heights pools is always way to cold. My grandson’s lips turn purple in no time. Hopefully the lap lanes will be wider than they are now. Janet


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