Reject bids for veteran’s memorial, city manager advises


Bids for the Maplewood Veteran’s Memorial were publicly opened on September 1. Two were received, and both greatly exceeded the proposed budget.

The budget for the memorial, per an August 2015 council meeting is $75,000.

The memorial as designed, by architect Ralph Bicknese — a 20 x 40 foot plaza with two reflecting pools (with fish and lily pads), limestone benches and a flagpole — was estimated at $140,000.

Maplewood City Manager Marty Corcoran, in a memo to the council (in the Sept. 13 meeting minutes), recommended that the city council reject all bids for the project, at the Sept. 13 meeting, and authorize the architect to revise the plans so that they meet the budget constraints.

Corcoran also recommended that the additional work should be at no cost to the city because the bids were nowhere near the agreed upon budget.




  1. Yes Sir I am. If I were not a Veteran I would have not have the made the previous comment. Anyone who claims he is a Veteran he better have the knowledge of the Military or I will exspose them to Stolen Valor. That should tell you enough that I think you need to know about me. Jesse Ventura was not a SEAL. He dropped out after two weeks, but went around telling everyone he was. He got as far as UDT which is well respected job in the Navy. Not everyone is good enough to be UDT as those who are not good enough to be a SEAL, or a jet fighter pilot, or a Navy Hard Hat, etc.

    • So, if someone isn’t a veteran (which that poster never claimed to be as far as I can tell), they don’t have the right to be upset about the city spending money on something that’s pointless? Not only that, but spending nearly twice what was budgeted for the pointless project?

      You really don’t understand what you fought for serving this country (if you even actually did) if you are telling someone to move to Syria for exercising the rights you supposedly fought to protect.

      • Cindy, I fought to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies forgein and domestic. I probably did serve for a longer time than the majority of military personnel do. I do not believe the city should spend that much money for the memorial or it should be that big. It can be small as a plaque. It is a thank you from the citizens and just show a little respect for all who have served from 1776 to the present. The monument would just be a way of thanking those who served and especially those who were drafted who had no choice but to serve. If it were not for the Veteran, you may be speaking Japanese or German.

    • It is always unsettling when I see a fellow veteran failing to bridge the gap of service members and civilians with decisive rhetoric. I don’t judge you, because I understand the aggression and where it comes from. But I do apologize on your behalf to those you disrespect here. The sooner you come to appreciate that the people you serve(d) includes a those that disagree with you, the sooner you can start working with them to find a solution that fits both your goals.

      • Are you a Veteran? If so when did you serve and what branch of service did you serve with? As far as respecting civilians who pay my 100% VA Disability check of course I respect them. When they stop paying their Federal Taxes then I don’t get paid. When I returned to civilian life, and applied to Maplewood to become a police officer I was told by a peon clerk I was to old. I should have sued for age discrimination. I see the lack of leadship out here, just a bunch of labors leaning against telephone poles and shovels watching one man digging. I had another potential employer tell me he would never hire a Veteran because they are drunkards and undisciplined. He must have been a draft dodger. If you are a Veteran I thank you for your service because you have been there and done that. If my comment doesn’t satisfy you then you are the looser.

  2. Glad the city had the restraint to reject such an outrageous bid. I too would rather see the money better spent to repair the pothole filled streets than on another unnecessary decoration.

    • Uncle Judd you are correct. If they are going to have a Memorial, as I stated before it can be a bronze plaque. It is the thought that counts.

    • I am not sure how you have arrived at the conclusions that you state. The only thing that happened was that a good architect was engaged to design a civic memorial project and the bids came back too high due a number of issues. Nothing inappropriate has been done and we will work with Mr. Bicknese to revise the scope so that the budget can be adhered to. If that is an example of the City not having “its act together” , I would like to hear from you what we can do as a city government to meet your expectations.

        • In order to design a memorial that meets the established budget, the design program needs to be revised. There is an opportunity to get input from veterans when we revisit the process. It is a good idea and I will suggest that veteran input be solicited both in the program statement phase and in reviewing proposed design solutions. If you are a veteran and would like to constructively assist in the process, submit your contact information to me at the email address listed under elected officials on the City of Maplewood website.


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