APA Receives $15,000 Grant for Its Pet Transfer Program


The Petfinder Foundation shows support for the APA’s innovative adoption program.

The APA’s Pet Transfer Program began very simply: the APA had extra kennel space available for dogs, so we called around to see if anyone needed a little help easing overcrowding at their shelters. As it turned out, several agencies did.

When we saw how quickly the transfer pets were adopted, we knew we could do more. In January, staff members decided to aim for 300 animals transferred in during 2014. By the end of December, more than 400 had come through the doors. We have grown our partnerships from working with just 3 local animal control agencies to working with 14 public and private organizations around our region that do outstanding work and are passionate about helping homeless animals find forever families.

Tulip - adopted December 11.
Tulip – adopted December 11.

When the Petfinder Foundation heard about what we were doing, they wanted to learn more. When we told them about how we were striving to bridge gaps in animal welfare in order to save companion animals’ lives, they wanted to help. We are thrilled to announce that they have decided to invest in the program with a $15,000 grant toward the care of the transfer animals!

The APA is very excited to be partnering with the Petfinder Foundation to make this exciting program even better. With more than 91% of the animals having already found their homes, the APA’s Pet Transfer Program hopes to serve as a template for successful collaboration and partnerships across the different types of animal welfare organizations.

Sophie - Adopted May 10.
Sophie – Adopted May 10.

The APA thanks the Petfinder Foundation for its generous support and for seeing the potential for the program to grow and offer another opportunity for adoption to the many deserving homeless animals in our area.


Snow – Available for Adoption


Buddy - Available for Adoption
Buddy – Available for Adoption


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