Brentwood BOA: Cards tickets, Eager Road, trenching policies

Brentwood City Hall

Brentwood City Council Monday night approved rides for Maddenfest, Internet and HVAC services, and agreed to be a reseller of Cardinals tickets.

Alderman Andy Leahy asked Kelly if he had gotten any farther with St. Louis County on pushing up the schedule for resurfacing Brentwood Boulevard. Kelly said the schedule is still for curb work this year and resurfacing next year.

Alderwoman Maureen Saunders suggested dropping the proposed code of conduct from the agenda, because the city is now functioning fine without it. Mayor Pat Kelly said that should go through the Ways and Means Committee.

Kelly said spoke to representatives from Richmond Heights about trucks using Eager Road during construction of Manhassett Village, which some residents oppose. Kelly said the trucks will use Eager Road. He compared it to Richmond Heights telling Brentwood it can’t use High School Drive. He said Richmond Heights added $10,000 to the bonding to repair roads when the work is done.

Aaron Smith, a former Brentwood resident and dispatcher, said he understands that a proposal for a severance package for the displaced dispatchers is under consideration, and that he hopes severance would be applied equally to all the affected dispatchers, no matter where they found employment after Brentwood.

The board of aldermen also approved the following:

  • Approved adoption of OSHA policies for trenching and shoring to protect both city employees and citizens when sewer lateral underground work is taking place. A city employee was trapped underground in mud for several hours while while working in a trench on May 5.
  • Approved American Banner Amusement to provide carnival rides at the Maddenfest. The proposal includes a fee increase of five percent, due to increased costs.
  • Approved Vogel for mechanical contractors for HVAC maintenance and mechanical services for three years for the city.
  • Approved an upgrade to the city’s Charter Communications Internet service from broadband to fiber. Alderwoman Maureen Saunders said this will be helpful in the transition from Brentwood to East Central dispatching.
  • Passed a bill making it possible for the city to buy 150 tickets for a Cardinals game at a reduced rate and reselling them to residents at a slight markup ($5 was mentioned). It would still be a deal for the residents.
  • Approved an agreement with Richmond Heights to use that city’s prisoner holding services until the Brentwood and East Central Dispatch video monitoring system is up and running.