Circle-K sells Schaefer Shell lot


The locks were changed Tuesday afternoon at the former Schaefer Shell gas station in Maplewood. A business manager with Circle-K said the property was sold; the new owner will take over on Wednesday.

J.C. LiVeris, business manager of non-franchise (not Circle-K) properties in St. Louis said Schaefer Shell was one of three Shell stations sold recently in the area because they weren’t selling enough gas, and the properties could be put to better use.

See also: Schaefer Shell loses lease, to close this month

LiVeris said he’s not at liberty to say who the new owner is, but he hopes it will be appreciated by the community. He said it won’t be a McDonald’s or even fast food. He was well aware of McDonald’s attempt to move there. He also said it won’t be another gas station.

J.C. LiVeris, business manager with Circle-K oversees switching out the locks at the former Schaefer Shell.
J.C. LiVeris, business manager with Circle-K oversees switching out the locks at the former Schaefer Shell.



  1. All of the secrecy??? It could also be that since he (LiVeris) has no connection to the new owner that he felt it wasn’t his place to talk about who it was and their parents pans for the space. It just sold, give them a couple weeks. They still may need to finalize a few things.

  2. Hmmm, the seller says he’s not at liberty to share the purchaser information – that seems prudent to me. It’s not his story to tell any longer. I don’t see this as secrecy. I’m curious, yes (incredibly so!), but I don’t think the seller is doing anything more than being respectful of the new owners.

  3. Qt took up all the gas business…eh? It didn’t take long to sell…so deal has been in the works, I suppose. We will all know soon.

  4. Why change the locks? There is nothing in there and if it is going to be torn down, what is the point?

      • Sorry folks, but in my opinion Maplewood would not benefit from many of these suggestions: Krispy Kreme – we have Strange Donuts and Tim Hortons, Starbucks – we have a plethora of great coffee shops already; Courtesy Diner – this isn’t that bad of an idea, but it likely shut Tiffany’s out of business.

        All in all I think a restaurant would be a good fit. Something along the lines of Gus’s in terms of price and building footprint. BBQ restaurant anyone?

        • If it was going to be food, I would hope it would be somewhere family friendly. Gus’s is awesome but even the kid strips are too spicy for my toddler. The wood was our go to with a Kid menu but now that’s gone. While I’m all about innovative and trendy food….family dining is important to me too.

    • “Why all the secrecy?” is a good question and one I often wonder when businesses try to keep their presence unknown. In most cases, once the deal has been inked there is no reason to be silent on the issue. The only justifiable exception I could come up with is that the owner is trying to also buy adjacent properties (which may or may not be the case in this situation). If this owner is not buying other property then I don’t understand why they would keep it unknown. The point of having a business is to get people in the doors. That requires people to know about the business. Therefore you need to advertise. Potentially one of the only times a business has a chance to get free advertising is when they open and it is reported on in the news. I probably wouldn’t be so critical of businesses that open secretly if I didn’t see the cult following Strange Donuts had before they even announced their first delay in opening.

  5. Hmmmm…….too small for a walgreens. Actually the foot print is a size that works for Starbucks. Their Webster location has no drive-thru, closest is one on Brentwood…….all of the anti-franchise folks that frequent South 40 will be worked up into a frenzy if a Starbucks opens there.

    (by the way, total speculation on my part…..just glad it is not a laundromat)

    • Pretty busy intersection for a Starbucks. The Brentwood one is a traffic nightmare. We shall see what happens.

      • The Brentwood one is on too small a lot. Probably 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the Shell station lot. Since Gas and Fast Food are already excluded as possibilities, I could definitely see a Starbucks there as well. Maybe a sit-down restaurant? Lot might be too small for that though.

      • I always thought that a starbucks would do well at the old Quizno’s location but that intersection design is a nightmare. No good way in OR out.

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