City council urges voters to become educated on the Clean Missouri Amendment


During their meeting on Tuesday night, Maplewood city council voted to approve a resolution “urging voters to become educated on Amendment 1, known as the Clean Missouri Amendment.” This amendment, if passed, will lower campaign contribution limits for state legislative candidates, require that legislative records be open to the public, and ensure that neither political party is given an unfair advantage.

The council also approved a resolution authorizing City Manager Corcoran to purchase 8 mobile data terminals and tabled the approval of an ordinance to dedicate $15,000 from the unappropriated fund to repairs and maintenance for the city.

This ordinance will be read the third time at the next city council meeting and will be up for approval at that time.

To research the Clean Missouri Amendment, visit


  1. So Les is all for gerrymandering? How is that fair? And if you think the districts will be “extremely spread out and break up neighborhoods”, just google gerrymandering maps to get an idea how outrageously long and narrow some of them are right now.

    Educate yourself, Les!

  2. Wrong! You are listening to propaganda which is financed by special interests.

    Clean Missouri will ensure that neither political party is given an unfair advantage when new maps are drawn after the next census by asking a nonpartisan expert to draw fair legislative district maps, which would then be reviewed by a citizen commission.

    Politicians are in charge of redistricting in the current system, and you see where that got us. We need fairness and competitiveness as required criteria for new district maps

  3. Les, the Metro Voice is part of the Christian Newspaper Association. So, this news source is most certainly not without bias. In addition, the specific article you cite is an opinion piece, not a factual article about Amendment 1. Finally, you should know that anything that says “George Soros is behind…..” in the title is nothing that an educated Missourian should take seriously.

  4. The point is to make the districts more competitive, and to have non partisan people draw the districts. The people making the new districts have to be approved to by both parties, so it isn’t set up to just benefit one party, it’s to make more competitive districts. The new districts are also mandated to be compact and continuous. This article lays out what people are saying pro and against the initiative here, it isn’t just some George Soros conspiracy stuff:

  5. Some of the items in this amendment sound great, but the last one does not. They will change the boundaries of each district to try to make them equal Democrat and Republican.. Those districts will possibly be extremely spread out and break up neighborhoods. We don’t need to do this. It does not make it more fair. And the worst part is, the person drawing the maps will be one person, instead of an group, and that person will be a political appointment. You can see how that could go very wrong.
    This article tells a little more about it:


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