There’s good news, and possibly bad news, for drivers on S. Brentwood Boulevard.
Spokesman for St. Louis County Roads and Highways, Davie Wrone, said Wednesday that the bumpy asphalt repairs on Brentwood by the water company will be “addressed in the very near future.”

Brentwood Alderman Tom Kramer was concerned that Brentwood Boulevard and Hanley Road, in Clayton, were receiving unequal treatment. The water company recently covered repairs on Hanley with a smooth concrete driving surface. On Brentwood, similar work has been patched with asphalt.
Wrone said Hanley Road and Brentwood Boulevard are on different schedules, and the water company will also repair Brentwood Boulevard with concrete patches. Hanley Road is also due to be resurfaced.
“So it’s not really correct to compare the two, as if they’re identical, because in terms of schedule, they’re simply not,” he said.
He said the county’s work on Brentwood Boulevard will start this summer.

“The Brentwood project is quite significant,” he said. “Obviously that road is in less than optimal condition. It’s going to receive a brand new driving surface, concrete replacement repairs, new ADA ramps, new curbs were needed, so it’s going to be a very, very different looking Brentwood Boulevard this time next year.”
He said ideally they would like to be able to finish Brentwood Boulevard this fall, but because the county project can’t begin until the water company is finished, Brentwood Boulevard resurfacing might not be complete until spring 2016.
“At this point the water company is still out there, and we’re not quite sure exactly when our contractor will start. Obviously the sooner the better,” Wrone said.
I live in Brentwood and travel Brentwood Blvd. several times a week. I plan to start driving down the side streets to avoid the torn up road and the drivers switching lanes at the last moment. If others plan to do this just remember that school is out for the summer and there may be kids playing outside, chasing balls into the street, bike riding, etc.
So having the water mains all replaced under Brentwood is certainly much needed. Hopefully this means they don’t have to dig it up a dozen times a year. If they really cannot resurface the street until 2016, the county needs to demand the water department do a much better job of ‘patching’. The current condition is unacceptable for a short time, much less another year.
Although much less traveled with substantially less traffic, McKnight rd from Clayton to Ladue was done beautifully in what felt like a few weeks even with total closures. Not an equal comparison I know, but how was that planned out so well, by whom and in such a timely manner? Those people should take a look at Brentwood’s plan and fix it.
In my view, the County is responsible for the road conditions.
They always dodge blame for bad roads by blaming MSD or MoAm Water, or anyone else they can think of, but bottom line is THEY are responsible. They let anybody and their brother chop holes in the expensive pavement, and then do half-assed repairs which quickly turn into sinkholes. I know a guy who fell into one of these tank traps on Brentwood and blew out 2 tires and bent his wheels. The County should be embarrassed at the crappy job they do overseeing these contractors. And then they have the nerve to ask for more money. I think that’s what this game is all about, getting more money and protecting their phoney balony jobs. If they had any real pride in their department, they would force contractors to do professional repairs when they damage the pavement, and they wouldn’t allow their contractors to pay $25 hr to the goof standing around all day holding a stop sign. Big Bend, Hanley, Manchester and Brentwood are all disasters. These are main streets, and the County has intentionally let them become unsafe in order to extort more money from the public. Any private business in the country would have long since fired the bozos responsible for these crater fields.
Spring 2016? You just gave me a damn good reason to continue not driving Brentwood south of 40 for the next 18 months. My avoidance of Brentwood because of the road deck is real. I will seek out different businesses and routes due to the deteriorated road. I sure I’m not the only one with this strategy.
Such nonsense…. Who can I speak to at the water company and/or STL County about the tire rods that needed to be replaced on our truck due to the DMZone known better as Brentwood Boulevard.?.
I hope the city holds them to their promise that it will be stripped
as it was prior to the highway 40 construction. What really needs to be done is to add a grassy strip and landscaping down the middle. Isnt that what the name Boulevard implies?
So, Brentwood Blvd. might be in this condition until next Spring? Will the water company pay for an alignment for my car?