Craft Beer Cellar is approved in Maplewood


The second time around, the Craft Beer Cellar received unanimous support from the Maplewood City council.

In July, when the owners of the craft beer shop in Clayton requested a permit to open their second location, in Maplewood, it was denied by a 6-1 vote. In the council meeting on Tuesday it passed 6-0. Mayor Jim White, who spoke against it in July, was absent.

Council members David Cerven, Shawn Faulkingham, Karen Wood and Fred Wolf reversed their vote from the July meeting to support the store. Barry Greenberg voted yes in both meetings.

It will take one more council meeting for final approval to amend the ordinance, then another two meetings after that for their conditional use permit.

Co-owner Brandon Nickelson said before the meeting that if approved they would open as soon as possible. The new location is 7415 Manchester Road.


    • In Maplewood, every ordinance and conditional use permit requires three readings (votes) of the council. The first two take place in one meeting and the third and final is in the following meeting.. or are you referring to the ‘second try’ reference? — The council voted it down the first time around, in July.

  1. Fantastic news. This is great for Maplewood. The Owner’s are great guys and deserve this victory after all their hard work and percistence.


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