Kakao’s first price increase since 2008


Kakao Chocolate announced on Facebook that it’s raising the price of one item—it’s their first price increase since 2008.

photo(7)The Maplewood chocolatier says it has “absorbed the increased cost of chocolate, cream, butter, and everything else without passing those increases on to our customers. But we’re at a point where we need to make a minor adjustment.”

The solution, they say is to raise the price of chocolate barks. Instead of $3 each, they’ll now be $3.50, or 3 for $10.

No price increase on caramels or truffles, they assure.

See also: Specialty food shop set to open this month

The Facebook post prompted lots of likes and positive comments, like this one: “Just finished eating a piece of your dark chocolate bark. I don’t care what you raise the price to. I’ll still buy it!”