Last week’s top 10 posts: Brentwood award, Pie Oh My break-in…


The most popular 40 South post last week was about Brentwood winning a statewide award for a city program in which the city partnered with a company owned by the mayor.

Second was the post about a break-in at Pie Oh My: the suspect stripped to his boxer shorts before breaking a jar and throwing jam all over the inside of the shop.

Here’s the top 10:

  1. Brentwood wins statewide award; city partnered with company apparently owned by mayor
  2. Pie Oh My, other Maplewood business vandalized: suspect arrested wearing only boxer shorts
  3. Bystander hit as shots fired on Shop ‘n Save parking lot
  4. Brentwood has ‘no relationship’ with company state group says it partnered with, city says
  5. Maplewood officials OK new greenway work through Greenwood neighborhood
  6. Metro bus traffic on Bellevue could greatly increase — fill out a survey
  7. Great Rivers Greenway path under construction nearby
  8. Maplewood officials discuss problem traffic areas; new council member sworn in
  9. Brentwood award application shows ‘partnership’ with company owned by mayor
  10. Weekend Open Houses



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