Maplewood History: My Own Family Story – The Lindbergh Letter


Or My Baby, He Wrote Me A Letter

(apologies to the Box Tops).

All right.  Maybe you’ve been thinking, he’s carrying this a bit too far with all of these posts from his own family’s history.  I do have some more posts about the history of Maplewood in mind.  Previously unpublished, as well.  I know of several, large archival deposits that I have yet to tap.

The problem is sunshine and 80+ degrees wins every time over the conditioned air spaces that the archives inhabit.  The longer days don’t help, either.  I rarely head indoors while it is still light out.

Anyway, take a look at this post and then tell me, “Is this cool or what?”

This is an undated photograph of my grandfather, Lowell Hobart, my mother, Dolores Jane and my grandmother, Ora Marguerite Jackson.  They are standing in front of their home at 6329 Elm in Wellston, Missouri.  My mother was born on November 20, 1921.  I have no skill in guessing how old she was when this picture was taken.  But I include it because I think it is as close as I can get to how their family looked around the time the letter was written in 1928.

This is the fourth post of images from my own family archive.  The other three can be linked here.

I think there is enough interesting material for, at least, a couple more of the Jackson side of my family.  But beware, my sister and I made a book from the Houser side.  You’ve been warned.

I can’t believe the pool is going to open in just a few days.  See you there.

Doug Houser         May 20, 2023



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