Maplewood History: The Amazing Lillian Weber Herold Collection – Part Three


This post contains another blockbuster historic Maplewood image.

This is the final post of the Lillian Weber Herold collection and what a collection it is!  The number of very fine images is impressive and there are still quite a few to view including the blockbuster promised earlier.

Here are the links if you would like to review Part One or Part Two of this series.  For Part Three I have endeavored, once again, to put the images and information in chronological order where possible.

Flora Holt married Theodore William Weber, Jr, the oldest of the Weber boys.

Harry Weber driving.
Harry Weber in 1918.
And again.
Joseph Harrison “Harry” Weber married Agnes Ellen Keegan on June 25, 1921.
A bonus photo of Al (who I assume is George Alfred Weber) and his bowling buddies who are not identified.
Another bonus photo. I find ones like this fairly often. They are seemingly unconnected to the rest. The truth is we just don’t know the connection.

This next image is not the blockbuster I advertised but it almost is.  Any images of Bartold’s Grove are treasures.  Many must have been made but I have found so few.

This is a view I have never seen. My readers will be familiar with the roadhouse hotel that once was known as Bartold’s Inn. I have suspected that there must have been more buildings than just that one at Bartold’s Grove.  They had many thousands of visitors after all.  Was the house in this image one of them?  We may never know.  My readers should be familiar with the Notter boys who have been featured before on this site.

OK. Let’s have drum roll, please. It is time to unveil what I consider to be another one of the rarest of the rare images of early Maplewood.

This building, which looks to be a home with a storefront added, was once where the Yummi Tummi is located today.   Lillian and her husband, Edmund Joseph Herold, Sr. display their wares.  The date is the 4th of July 1914!
A closer look. Notice the Powhatan Theater sign in the window.
I’ll close with this closeup of Lillian and Ed Herold and their dog (maybe that’s Spencer?  Sure looks like him) in front of their business on the NW corner of Big Bend and Flora.  They couldn’t possibly imagine how thrilling it would be for some of us 107 years later to find this picture.
The intersection of Big Bend and Flora from the 1909 Plat Book of St. Louis County. Perhaps by 1914 the Herolds had purchased what was the Schumacher store?


Keep in mind that to produce these small pieces of Maplewood History takes a team.  I couldn’t do any of it without the cooperation of a great many of you folks who follow this site.  I know I have said it before but I’ve been doing this for over a decade and there are more than 400 of these posts floating in the ether.

For this particular series, we have to thank Dan Fitzgerald of the Brentwood Historical Society for making me aware of the early images of two of our most important intersections Big Bend and Manchester and Big Bend and Flora.  We also have to thank the descendants of Lillian Weber Herold who very generously let me copy much of their most precious family artifacts.  Hats off to those folks.

The mask is off.  The sun is out.  See you at the pool.

Doug Houser        June 8, 2021









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