Maplewood History: The End of a Dry Spell


I hope. It’s past time for me to put out another blog post of Maplewood History. I have had three in mind, two of which are going to require some research that I can’t seem to get around to doing. The third is a sort of loose idea I’ve had for quite awhile.  It needs more work as well.

If you are familiar with my posts you’ll know that usually I have a central theme that I enhance with as many related photographs that I can find. Now and then I hit a sort of dry spell where no central theme comes to mind.  I’ve been going through one of those.

In 2008 with the help of the MCBF (Maplewood Community Betterment Foundation), I put together the history book for our community. We printed 1,000 copies of “the FIRST 100 years, MAPLEWOOD MO”, all of which are now sold.  (I swear that’s the way the title is. Blame the cover designer.)

I suspect that many of the readers of this space have never seen that book. If that’s true I ought to be able to get away with choosing some random, mostly unrelated to each other photos from the book. Hopefully everyone will be entertained again long enough for me to regain my momentum.

In chronological order, here are some photographs from the 1920’s.

Thank you, Lois.
You’ve probably seen this one before. It’s a treasure. For those who don’t know and how could you possibly not?  EJ Tire was on the Wedge at Southwest and Manchester. Thanks to Elmer Wind Jr.


Thank you, Maxine.
Notation on back of barbershop photo: Taken on May 1, 1925. Just three months before Estel died on August 4th, 1925. Estel Surratt is the one in the middle. Mr Tom Rayle, Surratt, Jimson.  Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
I feel this fellow who we’ll only know as Jimson is deserving of much more respect than he most likely received.
This image is from a photocopy. The Bruno house is thought to be in the background. The farmhouse of the Bruno family still exists. It is located on the south side of Bruno Avenue, second house from the corner of Oakview Terrace and Bruno. The tower was used to guide airplanes to Lambert Field. Courtesy of the magnificent Joellen McDonald of the Richmond Heights Historical Society, recipient of this year’s Citizen of the Year award.  Congratulations, Joellen!
Dr. Tremaine’s home, west side of 2900 Big Bend. It was destroyed most likely when Big Bend was widened. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
This fine looking home at 3227 Edgar still exists and looks much the same now as it did in this 1928 photograph. I’m afraid the Model A is gone though. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.


  1. Doug, You may have mentioned this before, but where was the Sutton School located and are there any pictures of the outside? Thanks.

  2. I loved seeing those pictures, especially the Sutton School Band. I’m pretty sure that the drummer, John McGregor, is my father. He was born in Nov., 1916, so the age would have been right. My grandfather did have a bakery in Maplewood.

  3. I’m amazed that I haven’t seen railroad photos. Both the Terminal RR Axxociation and the Missouri Pacific ran through Maplewood. I think I can scrape up some photos if anyone would like.

    • Gary, I was afraid to ask how she was doing. It is wonderful to know that she is still with us and in a very good place. Thanks for the update. Happy Belated Birthday to Maxine!

    • You are welcome, Joellen. Thank you for the compliment. My apologies for misspelling your last name (I corrected it). You readers may not realize that we have two Joellens in our slightly expanded community (Maplewood and Richmond Heights). Both have last names that sound the same but are spelled differently. One is a Mac and the other a Mc. The Mc is a good friend and I have met the Mac. Even so I find it impossible to keep in my mind which is which.


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