Maplewood officials discuss ‘nudity’ definition bills, OK housing funds


The Maplewood City Council on Tuesday approved a resolution to apply for the 2017 Community Development Block Grant of $64,000 to benefit low income residents. They found issues with ordinances that defined ‘nudity’, but gave them the first readings.

Maplewood City Manager Marty Corcoran said Maplewood has received the grant the past six to seven years; $31,000 remains from last year. An additional $64,000 will be available next year. The city staff recommends that all of it be used for the housing program.

Resident, Adelina Mart recommended that the city use the money to put in a trail through Kellogg park that connects the Metrolink station with the north side of Maplewood. She said people now use a dirt path through the park.

She said since the grant is to be used for the benefit of low income residents, and low income residents are more likely the users of the transit system, they would benefit. She said in the last two years the baseball field has not been used. The trail is a necessity for people that rely on the transit system, and would make Maplewood a more age friendly community. Currently, to access the Metro station, those with mobility issues have to walk an additional five blocks around the park.

Council member Tim Dunn asked if the path cuts through the baseball field. He mentioned that people with disabilities would not use a path, that it would be a waste of money since there’s no guarantee that people would use the walkway. They can take the dirt path and clean off their shoes when they get to the other side.

Corcoran said the city can’t take out the baseball backstop because they would have to pay back grant money.

Council member David Cerven said he wants to do something to invest in Kellogg park, but thinks the grant should go into the home program. The  council voted to approve all funding for the home improvement project.

Council member Barry Greenberg said the new Senior Citizens Commission still needs one more person.

The ordinances to improve the definition of ‘nudity’ in two city codes would be to try to prevent a situation in Maplewood similar to Social House in University City, which has servers with only body paint from the waist up.

Greenberg said he found the language archaic, and wanted to look at it more.

Cerven said he is concerned with a double standard — the ordinance only applies to topless women. The city attorney confirmed that a man can be topless; it would only apply to a woman.

Mayor Jim White suggested they pass it through (first two readings), and talk about it before the next meeting and possibly propose amendments before the next vote.

This report was written from notes taken by residents Adelina Mart and Nick Deccio.


  1. I would be opposed to any plan that puts a pathway through the middle of Kellogg park until there is some type of long term plan created for that park. While MRH sports don’t require a lot of room in addition to the field behind the school, this park would be an ideal place for teams to practice given that it is walking distance from the school and doesn’t require cutting across any major streets. Deer Creek is not adequate for boys highschool baseball. Left and Right field lines are a good distance but center field is only about 275 feet which is well under the expected distance for boys highschool baseball. To give you an idea, T.R. Hughes is approximately 320 at the corners and 385 feet to center. While kellogg park would have a tough time to meet this standard, it could have an improvement to deer creek if some forethought had been put into the backstop placement. As of now, the size would make for a pretty good softball field where MW could host a rec league. With the new bathroom install, there are more options to host some type of event at Kellogg park. Give it some thought and make it a great place to stay, not just pass through.

    • I don’t see the placement of the backstop as ideal. It makes very poor use of the space as it stands. I could see moving it on the north side of the park to face the metro, putting a rectangular walking trail around it(at the bottom of the hill and to the metro retaining wall, that connects the pavilion and the other parking lot to the metro, but avoiding the field, and lastly expanding the dog park along the side of the creek. The south side could even host a temporary stage for concerts or events.

      It would go from an unused space, to accommodating baseball, walking, and an adequate sized dog park. Considering that Maplewood has three other ball and soccer fields, accommodating some other uses in Kellogg as well, makes sense to me.

      I definitely think the parks need an updated master plan, that takes into consideration what the community voices they would like to see.

      Part of the approved activities under the community grant includes improving parks in low income areas, which Kellogg park is part of.

      • Why invest more money into the current dog park? I’m under the impression that the dog park didn’t fill all its spots very quickly and that non-residents use the space. Maybe that is not entirely accurate, but Im not sure if there is a high enough demand. Although, demand may increase if the BW apartment complex is built at the Hanley/Manchester intersection. Between Hummert, Deer Creek and Kellogg, Hummert has the best placement of the parks because it is surrounded by high density residential on all sides. It also has a coffee shop right next to it. I think I mentioned in a previous post that a dog park is better suited for Ryan Hummert park for these reasons. I would rather see a dog park added to Hummert than expanding one in Kellogg.
        But more importantly is the big picture planning we both agree needs to happen. The value of a park is not for recreational purposes alone. Parks need to be seen as another way MW can draw businesses and new construction. Kellogg has a lot of potential and could be used to help connect the metrolink to the rest of downtown MW. I would love to see a larger mixed use complex along Manchester. It is no coincidence that a new apartment complex invested in RH next to an open field and tennis courts. These are things residents enjoy and apartment owners would rather not have to pay for.

        • I can see what you mean about central location at Hummert park, but that park gets a ton of use already. Expanding along the creek in Kellogg is out of the way of other activities. (Side note: Last year there were 227 memberships purchased out of 250 available, and the average user visits the park 3x a week.) It’s definitely worth further discussion.

          Which is what I hoped would have happened at the meeting. What was striking to me about Tuesday’s meeting was that the agenda showing the $64000 grant discussion was posted on Monday, discussed for 5 minutes on Tuesday and approved.

          The idea of increasing access to the metro was what I came up with in less than 24hrs, and if a true discussion was had, I’m sure the community could come up with many other options that have just as much or more merit than the home improvement project.

  2. Paint on women from the waist up is TOPLESS.—Re-educate yourselves that nudity is culturally sensitive, but i’ll be darned if i want it to be in my living area. If they authorize it and allow (whatever) there should be an online photo of who actually goes. THEN the City of M’wd could see this for what it really is: pervs having a jolly. NO I AM NOT SORRY, NOR AM I INCORRECT. Look at the number of reported suspicious drivers trying to pick up children. NO. NO. NO. there is nothing unclear here–especially if the men are photographed entering and as a public house, those pictures can be printed. I would speak to the lesbo factor, but they have too much respect for themselves to enter this arena. Pervs respect NOTHING.


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