Most popular posts: bike shop, Boland Place, new hotel


Richmond Heights development news was the most read in the past seven days in 40 South News. Officials pay, stonework in Maplewood, a collision at Starbucks in Brentwood and a car/bicyclist collision in Maplewood also made the list.

  1. Hotel planned for Richmond Heights; Menards outbuilding update
  2. Boland Place apartments approved
  3. Hi-Fi Fo-Fum building to be bike shop
  4. How much area elected officials are paid; Brentwood’s has pension too
  5. Bicyclist doesn’t yield, is hit: “knocked his shoes off his feet”
  6. View From The Wood; Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: a resident’s view
  7. Maplewood History: Let’s Go Get Stoned! Part 1
  8. Qdoba taking former Bread Co. spot, plus two more
  9. Future Maplewood brewery named 8th best in the world
  10. Cars collide in front of Starbucks