Maplewood Planning and Zoning on September 4 at 6pm in the city council chambers will hear residents’ comments and vote on rezoning an empty lot at 7443 Hazel Avenue from single family residential to community business district. The results of the vote will go as a recommendation to city council, which will consider the same manner on September 10 at 7pm.
Side Project Brewery bought the empty lot in 2023 from Dan Lesseg. Side Project owner Cory King is requesting the rezoning to use the lot for parking for the brewery, which is located at 7458 Manchester Road.
The meeting was originally set to take place in June but was rescheduled.
See also:
- Side Project Brewing buys lot on Hazel Avenue, residents are concerned about commercial intrusion on block — now updated
- Side Project Brewery to seek rezoning for adjoining lot on Hazel Avenue

It is what is called “Spot Zoning” and it is a very bad idea,
Uncle Jedd, You have made my day. A Master Plan is needed, and a Historic Preservation Master Plan for Maplewood, MO Special District.
If the building owners/speculators are only concerned with making money. Many building owners in the Special Business District are not even keeping up with the maintenance of their properties. I was a fool believing Jay Schober and taking on renovation and remodeling. Expansion of the Maya Cafe, 2730, 2732, Original Maplewood City Hall /Firehouse at 2737 1st and 2nd FL. I stopped on the interior of the second floor. I hired a Private Investigator, and discovered. “I was being “Duped” by Jay Schober and Micheal Kilroy.
I also remodeled the interior of the Maplewood Cafe 7356 Manchester RD into an Ice Cream Parlor and Sandwich Shop to help that location keep the license to operate. Jay Schober told me Maplewood City Hall, wanted to pull the license because Maplewood Cafe was closed, would I please help. 7356 Manchester Rd. It is now MLK (Stone Mountain LLC Birenbaum, Robert A. Owner).
The Historic Maplewood City Hall/Firehouse controlled by Boss Tweed LLC (Micheal Kilfoy the owner) has no interest in the Historic value of the building, the new Marvin windows on the second floor have never been painted and held up with sticks.
I was never compensated for any of this work by any of the building owners I was “Duped” by Jay Schober. I really would like to talk with Marty Simpson and hear his side of the story of being a partner with Jay Schober and getting the name Pied Piper of Maplewood.
Curly Joe Shuffle
Slap some white paint on it and rent it, get them a liquor license, and add some patio tables on the sidewalk that will class the place up. Yes sir. That’s the way you do it. If the sucker starts to make money, jack up the rent. Let that sucker take all the risk. That’s the way you do it. If you’re hard up for renovation bread, just find a carpenter and painter, give them suckers a carrot treat’em like a horse, and watch those creatures pull the load. Do the Curly Joe Shuffle when them suckers want to get paid, yeah, That’s the way you do it.
Maplewood is a municipality without a blueprint.
And a Mayor who is an Architect?
What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a “blueprint” for a municipality, outlining a vision for the future and community-established principles for balanced economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal planning. The document is not a law or regulations, but provides guidance to elected officials and stakeholders when they make land use, zoning, and capital investment decisions. Master Plans are grounded in community engagement, with additional input through review of existing plans and studies, socioeconomic analysis, and planning best practices.
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
Joni Mitchell
Counting Crows sang that, thank you.
Joni Mitchell (1970). Amy Grant copied it in 1994. Counting Crows copied in 2002
We are very lucky to have Side Project in Maplewood, I hope we do what we can to support them.
You are fortunate to have that block of Maplewood Special Business District, If Pete Rothschild “Rothschild’s Development” had gotten his way that whole city block would have been demolished.
Maplewood MO is more interested in a “Nightlife Industry”, covered by razzle-dazzle, bars, restaurants, and the rest. They have a great deal of competition in that market and the location is not right—fast Money for building owners with a lot of turnover. Reminiscence of Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel the American mobster who was a driving force behind the development of the Las Vegas Strip. Along with his childhood friend and fellow gangster Meyer Lansky,
Well I appreciate that they’re having a hearing on it rather than simply pushing it through. And with all the businesses leaving lately, I’d like to see Side Project get what they want here. But if you disagree, then I’m sure your comments will be welcome at the hearing.
I believe the Street, where the lot is, should remain single-family residential. Would you agree with demolishing more houses in Maplewood Special Business District? For anyone else that is willing to purchase. This is also a sign that Maplewood MO needs a Master Plan and Historic Designation to protect the integrity of the Historic Nature of the Community. If the citizens’ value the history of Maplewood MO Special Business District. When Goldies and the Citizens Bank burned down that completely changed the street scape of downtown Maplewood MO. Can you imagine what Maplewood could be with-out the supermarket. A smaller food market similar to Struabs in the Central West End and Webster Groves, would be more pleasing. Js.
“Would you agree with demolishing more houses in Maplewood Special Business District?”
Maybe; just depends on the circumstances.
“Can you imagine what Maplewood could be with-out the supermarket.”
A less convenient place to live.
This rezoning will set a precedent for future events promoting inclusivity and understanding in Maplewood MO. Maplewood wanted to use the Eminent domain in the past to demolish all the residential houses on that side of Hazel. Maplewood, MO. Special Business District will continue to spread its wings, “The sewers on SUTTON ARE ALREADY OVER-CHARGED AND YOU ARE SUGGESTING MORE WATERSHED”.
Residential development will continue a downward trend. Who will want a house on either side parking lot of a business catering to drunks coming out of a Brewery?
There’s already a parking lot on the other side of this lot.
Exactly. Might as well just rezone the whole block so the other adjacent businesses can add additional parking. Nobody on the other side of the street will want to live there and so that side will eventually go too. Masterplan and better zoning is needed pronto!!