Plans possibly in the works for Woodside

Friends of Woodside

In April, the group Friends of Woodside presented a plan to the Maplewood City Council to stabilize the Maplewood historic house, Woodside, to preserve it until it can be bought and restored.

A member of the group, Luke Havel, told 40 South News by email this week that he was told the council should have an answer to their proposal by mid-August. He said Friends of Woodside has started to pepper local retailers with flyers asking folks to contact them on how to help.

The plan included repairing and painting the fence, cutting down overgrown vegetation, covering the windows with green shutters, painting trim, plugging the holes in the siding and cleaning debris inside the house.

A city staff member and council members have also mentioned a potential investor with a record for restoring buildings who might be interested in restoring it.

See also: Woodside: ‘time is running short’, Maplewood History: Woodside’s Family Photo Album

Friends of Woodside
Friends of Woodside


    • Doug,

      We have an Indiegogo campaign that we will launch once the council gives us the go ahead. Stay tuned…


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