Progress reported on S. Big Bend Boulevard


Maplewood resident Robert Chandler posted a photo of a cement truck at S. Big Bend at Manchester on Tuesday, adding: “Finally progress!” Jim Wright, project engineer for the job for St. Louis County, hasn’t responded to an email regarding the schedule.

See also: Roadwork all over Maplewood: just one is a city project, Missouri American Water reports on Maplewood work, Missouri American Water reports on Maplewood work


  1. I just hope they can get all this work on Big Bend done before the resurfacing paving work that will go from Laclede Station Road to Clayton road starts next year.

  2. The Big Bend project should not be taking this long to complete and soon they will be starting on the other corner. I can’t wait for that nightmare to start!

    • Agreed. This project has got to be one of the SLOWEST I’ve ever seen!! Granted, there was excavation, sewer line work, electrical, and finally concrete pouring – but Come on already!! Seems like private contractors could have worked faster than the County on this mess. Now the other corner has to get done. Traffic slowdown on Big Bend is a nightmare…

  3. And there is progress on Sarah St. Today the rough section was paved over. The street is now one level. Hallelujah! And thank you for your help Doug.


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