Richmond Heights city manager supports resigned Ferguson city manager in now-deleted tweet


Richmond Heights City Manager Amy Hamilton  supported the now-resigned Ferguson city manager on Twitter late Tuesday on Twitter, calling it a “witch hunt”.

Ferguson City Manager John Shaw resigned Tuesday, following the Department of Justice report alleging racial bias in the city.

Though the report cited Shaw’s role in encouraging Ferguson’s city police force to ticket motorists as a means to generate revenue, Shaw said in a statement his office “never instructed the police department to target African Americans, nor falsify charges to administer fines, nor heap abuses on the backs of the poor”.

Update: Hamilton’s tweet remained through Wednesday, but has now been deleted.

Hamilton (@AmyHami), on  Twitter,  said, “I am saddened to read of John Shaw’s resignation tonight. He is a dynamic city manager with high ethics. It has become a witch hunt.”

Most of the reaction on Twitter has expressed disappointment in Hamilton.

From Twitter (These are screen shots—the links won’t work.)

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