Side Project Brewery to seek rezoning for adjoining lot on Hazel Avenue


Maplewood Planning and Zoning in June will consider rezoning an empty lot on Hazel Avenue from single family residential to community business district.

Side Project Brewery bought the empty lot in December last year from Dan Lesseg. On the other sides are a residence, and parking for JB Smith Funeral Home. On June 3 at 7 P.M. in the council chambers, Cory King of the brewery, will ask planning and zoning to rezone the lot for more parking for the brewery. A hearing before the city city council is scheduled for June 11.

Hazel Avenue residents are opposing the rezoning, and plan to be at the meeting.

See also: Side Project Brewing buys lot on Hazel Avenue, residents are concerned about commercial intrusion on block — now updated

The lot in question, from Hazel Avenue. To the left is a residence, straight ahead is Side Project Brewery and to the right is JB Smith Funeral Home parking.
The site plan shows the existing Side Project Brewery and parking lot on the right, facing Manchester, and the proposed new parking lot on the left, facing Hazel Avenue. The new parking spaces are along the side of the lot next to the JB Smith Funeral Home lot.
In the screenshot from Google Maps the proposed parking lot is in the bottom left corner of the red rectangle. The existing Side Project Brewery and parking lot is above that. The JB Smith Funeral Home is in the right side of the rectangle.



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