More signs suggest that Mauhaus, a proposed cafe with cats to snuggle with customers, will be in Maplewood. The cafe hopes to open in spring or summer 2016.

One is to the point — a source close to one of the four partners said at an event in St. Louis last week that the proposed shop will be in Maplewood, though couldn’t go into details.
St. Louis Magazine reported that Mauhaus has signed an agreement for a location, which is currently occupied.
According to another source, at least one Maplewood coffee roaster has met with MauHaus partners but no deal has been confirmed. There are two coffee roasters in Maplewood: Art House Coffee and La Cosecha Coffee Roasters.
It’s already been announced that Maplewood’s Traveling Tea will supply a catnip blend tea.
Also, previously, one of the partners, Taylor Maxwell, hinted to St. Louis Magazine that Mauhaus will be near the St. Louis city-county borderline. And finally, Mauhaus partners, Ben Triola and Dana Huth, are co-founders of Rampant Interactive, which is in Maplewood.
On Wednesday, Mauhaus announced that Tenth Life Cat Rescue will be the sole rescue providing adoptable cats to the kitty cafe. Tenth Life is hosting a pop-up kitty cafe at its storefront space on Cherokee on Wednesday, July 29, to celebrate the new partnership. The event is already sold out.
Check out a cat cafe in Montreal: Cafe Chat L’Heureux
I can’t wait for the opening of the Mauhaus Cat Cafe & Lounge! I love the concept of bringing people and felines together in hopes of finding a loving home for each deserving cat. I would love to apply/volunteer! I LOVE CATS!
I am so excited for the opening of the Mauhaus Cat Cafe & Lounge. I love the concept of introducing cats to the public and the possibility of finding each one of them a loving home…which all cats deserve. I would love to apply for a position and/or volunteer. I LOVE CATS!
I get that the café area and the lounge where the cats would be located would be separate, and visitors would have an option to eat with or without cats present. Still, this seems like an odd mix.