South County Connector on hold for now

The South County Connector would go under this bridge on Hanley Road, in Maplewood.

The plan to connect south and mid county with a divided road that would cut through Maplewood, known as the South County Connector, has been put on hold, according to STL Today.

The South County Connector would go under this bridge on Hanley Road, in Maplewood.
The South County Connector would go under this bridge on Hanley Road, in Maplewood.

The St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic said planning was halted because of uncertainties about how the $120 million project would be funded. A funding plan needs to be in place before the federal government can OK the project.

Delays could change after incoming St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger has the opportunity to review the project, STL Today said. Stenger is from the Affton area.

Read the full article in STL Today.

See also: South County Connector: St. Louis County highway department is tallying comments


  1. WE DO NOT WANT THIS IN MAPLEWOOD. We already have Hwy 44 that brings a lot more noise & pollution, trash. This would put Maplewood between the two highways & you won’t be able to hear a bird sing or breath from the pollution! What are you thinking? It use to be quiet in Maplewood, now you hear the highway ALL day; cars, trucks, motorcycles, emergency vehicles, it is not quiet, it’s loud, polluting & annoying. Was there a sound study done on this? Was there a pollution study done? Doubt it. This is NOT a well thought out plan. Put the money on improving the roads we already have. NO, NO, NO to this project. Funny how this was quietly being pushed through…….when it’s going to be a loud, polluting, trashy mess & unnecessary non-improvement. Save our lungs, our ears, our city, our parks, our peace of mind. This connector is a big dis-connect………

  2. I hope stenger says its a huge waste pf money and trashes the project. There are improvememts that need to be made on existing roads! I also agree more metrolink services would be a much better way to spend money

  3. Boxer, take your comments to Stl Today, we don’t need racist people on 40 South.
    In other news, as a Maplewood resident, I’m glad the connector is shelved for now. If the people in SoCo want out so bad, they should move. How about a north/south MetroLink?

  4. we need the road the white people dont get nothing while the black crimenials
    of frerguson get everything we pay taxes!!!!!!!!!! they dont


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