Top posts: MRH athletics, local business renovations and board ups

Romelle Person spots for Jordan Goliday in the MRH weight room. Darren Williams waits his turn.

MRH football stories took the top two spots on the most read posts of this week. Two stories about businesses affected by the unrest in Ferguson also made the list as well angels in orange and Brentwood meetings. Here’s how the list of top posts shook out this week:

  1. Romelle Person spots for Jordan Goliday in the MRH weight room. Darren Williams waits his turn.
    Romelle Person spots for Jordan Goliday in the MRH weight room. Darren Williams waits his turn.

    MRH football is ‘clean,’ numbers low

  2. MRH issues statement regarding athletic program
  3. Deer Creek Shoe Carnival boards up as precaution
  4. Maplewood Aldi to expand
  5. Police temporarily shut down Galleria Monday evening
  6. Brentwood Public Works, Planning and Zoning recap
  7. The Angels in the Orange Shirts
  8. Maplewood Police report thefts, vandalism last week
  9. Rue 21, store for guys and girls opens at Deer Creek
  10. MRH cross country runs Maplewood streets


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