Week’s top posts: QT, beard shop, Brentwood budget


Maplewood business had the top three spots in the most popular posts in the past seven days on 40 South News. Brentwood’s unpassed budget and a new park, and a proposed apartment complex in Richmond Heights made the most read. Some ill-considered thefts attempts also made the list.

  1. New shop hopes to bring hundreds of bearded people to Maplewood
  2. QuikTrip: Old QT weeks away from changing hands
  3. Business owner trying to attract scratch-off lotto players
  4. Brentwood officials hash out unpassed budget
  5. Felony thefts in Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights: police
  6. Brentwood park takes shape, after 75 years
  7. MSD work to turn north on Bellevue
  8. ‘Shopper’ switches tags, saves hundreds: police
  9. Arrest at Gus’s Fried Chicken: weapons violation
  10. Plan for “Ritz-Carlton” grade apartments continues to raise ire in second public hearing
  11. The Wood to close, reopen as The Muddled Pig


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