Woodside is featured by This Old House

This is the dormer facing Folk avenue where Charles' grandson, John watched the fireworks from the 1904 World's Fair.

This is the pane of glass recently fallen from the dormer.  I intend to see it reinstalled.
This is the pane of glass recently fallen from the dormer. I intend to see it reinstalled.

Woodside, Maplewood’s oldest structure was recently chosen by the folks at the This Old House empire to be featured in their magazine and on their website.

Though I haven’t seen it, the magazine should be out by now and I hope everyone who is interested in Woodside will buy a copy.

You can find Woodside on their website at this location.

This is the dormer facing Folk avenue where Charles' grandson, John watched the fireworks from the 1904 World's Fair.
This is the dormer facing Folk avenue where Charles' grandson, John watched the fireworks from the 1904 World's Fair.

Woodside shares this honor with a long list of distinguished old buildings.  She’s 165 years old.  Wouldn’t it be great if we knew someday she’d be 265?

Tell everyone you know who might be interested.

(Editor’s note: Lowe’s carries This Old House magazine.)



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