Maplewood Penzeys recouping from fire: reopening date uncertain


Penzeys Spices, in the 7300 block of Manchester Road, opened soon after a smoke and water damage from a fire in August in a second-floor business  forced its closing, but closed again for repairs.

A source has said it’s hard to know when the store might reopen, but progress is being made and they might have a better idea within a week or so.

The source added that it’s certain that Penzeys will reopen in its current space in Maplewood.

A sign on their door says for now to visit the Penzeys store in Chesterfield.


  1. What source are you reporting from and does Penzeys know you are reporting this story and is it accurate? Penzeys is a Wisconson based company that only tells its employees or landlord this information. I hope your source does not confuse customers about its on goings. I am hoping it will reopen soon as well but do not want to read a false report on “soon” etc…

  2. Thanks for reporting on this, I’m very happy to hear it will reopen soon! It is a great addition to Maplewood.

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