Apartment building removed from agenda; infill houses approved


The Brentwood architectural review board on June 16 approved the site plans for two infill houses: 2613 Louis Avenue and 2509 Cecelia Avenue.

Steve Larson, on the city staff and the architectural review board, said the house on Louis was approved as submitted and the house on Cecelia was approved with changes to the roof pitch and trim color, to match other houses on the street better.

At the Brentwood Board of Aldermen meeting on Monday, the aldermen removed bills from the agenda to approve rezoning and the site plan for a six-story apartment building at Manchester and Hanley roads. It will be back on the agenda for the July 18 meeting with a public hearing, City Deputy Clerk Octavia Pittman said.


2613 Louis Avenue
2509 Cecelia Avenue


  1. I certainly would not want to live on the corner of Manchester and Hanley Roads. With the constant traffic and noise it would be a miserable place for homes. How about a green space?

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