Maplewood History: Remembering Bill Jones, Maplewood’s Premier Memoirist


Bill Jones, who passed early this year, and his wife Barb are certainly familiar to followers of this space. Nothing lasts forever.  Not trees, not rocks and certainly not people.  Bill lasted longer than most.  He left us his memories of early parts of his long life here in Maplewood.  I know that I am not alone in saying that I truly appreciate and enjoy them.

Not too long ago, as I sat with them at their dining room table, the conversation turned to the singing that they both had done in church.  They asked if I might care for a demonstration.  I would so they did. Bill and Barb in their finest operatic voices sang for me a song that I’m ashamed to admit I don’t recall the name of.  Their voices were very clear and powerful, well suited to the large church spaces they were accustomed to singing in.  I remember thinking at the time that this was one of those occasions that one recalls frequently after they have occurred but might not realize the importance of at the time they are occurring.  I did and was happy to be there.

Bill’s remembrances of early life in Maplewood are rare and fascinating. Here are all of the posts we made beginning with the earliest.

A WWII Harper’s Pharmacy Recollection

Incident at Deer Creek

Tales of the Harper’s Pharmacy

Where the Clean Air Is

Dinky Streetcar

Music and Maplewood 1935

Billy Jones Unadorned

1939 Christmas at Harper’s Drugs

Gender Confusion at Maplewood High 1941

Angel’s Car

A Message

No Colluding with the Rushin’ 

A Tripleheader

Snipe Hunt 

Blind Date to Fifth Generation

Memoirists Are Made of This

A Doubleheader

Depression 1930s

First Grade – Deer Creek Adventure

Fear of Puberty

Maplewood Baptist Church – Memories 1943

4th of July – Grandpa Lemuel Price

And remember, they were all typed by Barb.  Rest in peace, my friend.

Doug Houser      February 28, 2021


  1. My family is very touched by your tribute to our father Wm Harry Jones Jr. (Bill). He had written many of those stories over the years for the family and was proud to be able to share with all the 40 South readers.

    • Thank you, Stephen. I know what you and your family have been going through. I lost my father in November last year and my mother just one month later. Just as your father had done, my parents had touched the hearts of a great many people. They are all irreplaceable.

  2. Thank You Doug. “WillBill” was a wonderful source of stories…many of them somewhat true! Proud to be his Son In Law.


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